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Emergency Banner

The Emergency Banner script has been decommissioned. To avoid negative impacts on your site's performance, we recommend that you remove the Emergency Banner script from your code.
An example of the Cornell University Emergency Banner
An example of the Emergency Banner activated on

Now that the university has a robust Emergency Mass Notification system in place, University Relations has decided to retire its Emergency Banner, which was designed to deliver emergency notifications uniformly on Cornell websites.

The script for engaging the Emergency Banner is hosted centrally and called from each participating webpage through one line of Javascript.

The Emergency Banner script was decommissioned on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. This will impact any website that calls the script, so we recommend prompt removal.

Removing the Emergency Banner script

If the Emergency Banner has been implemented on a Cornell-affiliated website you support, you will likely find the following code in the <head> section of your website, or just before the closing </body> tag. This code should be removed:

  <!-- Emergency Banner -->
<script src="//" type="text/javascript" async></script>

Sites hosted using CIT's Blog Service will have the emergency banner automatically removed and do not require any further action.

For questions about the emergency banner, please contact [email protected].